11/22/13 Construction UpdateThe following are planned activities for the coming week. Please note that due to weather conditions, emergency situations, or equipment/supply issues, schedules are subject to change. Week of Nov. 25Concrete curbing and barrier placement and rumble strip installation are complete between 2400 North and
Erda Way. The intersections of 2400 North and Cimmaron Way have been temporarily restriped to accommodate construction.
Holiday Weekend: In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, no crews will be on-site
Thursday, Nov. 28, through Sunday, Dec. 1. All travel lanes will be open during the holiday weekend as well. Crews will be working Monday through Wednesday, Nov. 25-27, as usual.
Median Work: Median work (installation of crash cushion pads and markers on new concrete barrier) will
continue through the week of Dec. 2 between 2400 North and Erda Way. Motorists should expect intermittent
thru and turn-lane restrictions during daytime hours (7 a.m. – 5 p.m.) in off-peak travel directions.
Signal Work: Signal upgrades are expected to begin during the week of Nov. 18 and continue through early
December at signalized intersections between Vine Street in Tooele and Interstate 80. To facilitate this work,
motorists should expect intermittent left-turn lane restrictions during off-peak traffic hours at intersections where
work is occurring. Law enforcement will assist with traffic control in these areas. Work will progress along the
SR-36 corridor with short-term impacts at each individual intersection.
General Traffic Impacts:
Construction crews plan to work Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily , with weekend work as needed.
Night work will be from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. as needed to minimize traffic impacts.
All travel lanes on SR-36 will be open during peak traffic hours in peak directions and a minimum of one lane will be maintained in each direction during off-peak travel times.
Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures and left-turn lane restrictions during off-peak traffic times at
intersections where work is occurring. Law enforcement will assist with traffic control at various locations.
Property access will be maintained during construction.
Motorists are advised to reduce speeds and use caution while traveling through the work zone. |