What are community coalitions?
Community coalitions are comprised of parents, teachers, law enforcement, local businesses, religious leaders, health providers and other community activists who mobilize at the local and national level to make their communities safer, healthier and drug-free.

How do coalitions make a difference in communities?
Coalition building is a smart strategy that promotes coordination and collaboration and makes efficient use of limited community resources. By connecting multiple sectors of the community in a comprehensive approach, community coalitions are achieving positive outcomes.

Get Involved– Listed below are several opportunities throughout our county if you would like to get involved.

Grantsville City Communities that Care

The Grantsville City Communities that Care coalition began meeting formally in August of 2019. It is a coalition of like-minded individuals from various professional and private sectors who join together to promote prevention using evidence-based strategies in Grantsville City. This coalition has adopted the Communities that Care Framework to be able to galvanize the passion that each individual member brings to the coalition. If you are passionate about helping your community to be the healthiest that it can be, we need you!

Please join us every second Tuesday of each month at Grantsville Senior Center or call 435-277-2475 for more information.

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grantsville-City-Communities-that-Care-112692597079968

North Valley Communities That Care

The North Valley Communities That Care is a community coalition working to reduce substance misuse, suicide, and other behavioral health problems in the Stansbury, Lake Point, and Erda communities. The coalition uses the evidence-based Communities That Care framework to affect change. Using local data, the coalition identifies problems and strategizes ways to address them in the community. Strategies include targeting the risk and protective factors that contribute to these behaviors. The North Valley Communities That Care aims to strengthen the community utilizing universal strategies to empower individuals and families to be healthy, engaged, and compassionate members of society.

The coalition meets the fourth Thursday of every month at 6pm. If you would like to get involved, please call 435-277-2475 for more information.

Follow them on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/NorthValleyCTC

Wendover Prevention Group

The Wendover Prevention Group has been serving the Wendover and West Wendover communities since 2015. Their mission is to establish and strengthen collaboration among community partners in order to maximize support of the efforts to prevent or reduce underage drinking, substance abuse, and delinquency among youth. They focus on creating environmental changes in the community rather than individual changes in each community member. This broad focus helps them affect change for the larger population and future generations.

The Wendover Prevention Group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 12pm. Please contact peter.clegg@tooeleco.gov to get involved.

Follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WendoverPrevention

Resisting Alcohol and Drugs- Prevention Advocacy Coalition (RAD-PAC)

RAD-PAC is a local youth coalition that advocates for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention in Tooele County. It is an opportunity for youth to learn valuable leadership skills, educate their peers, meet with local and state leaders, and serve the community. If you are between ages 12-18 and would like to get involved, contact tooeleradpac@gmail.com or desiree.mudrow@tooeleco.gov.

Find them on Instagram @tooeleradpac

Wendover Prevention Youth Group

This youth coalition is a great opportunity for teens in Wendover to make a positive difference in their community. Members will have opportunities to build leadership skills, attend trainings, and work with community leaders to prevent youth substance use.

Contact Peter Clegg at peter.clegg@tooeleco.gov to get involved!

Suicide Prevention Workgroup

The Suicide Prevention Workgroup is a group of professionals from sectors ranging from the local school district to the Life’s Worth Living Foundation. We meet monthly to discuss training opportunities, the ongoing efforts of the members of the workgroup, and to plan upcoming strategies to address the problem of suicide in Tooele County.

If you are interested in attending any of our meetings, please contact Stacy Smart at  435-277-2478 or stacy.smart@tooeleco.gov.

Tooele Interagency Prevention Professionals

Through collaborative programming and networking, TIPP provides the citizens of Tooele County support, guidance, and resources to improve their quality of life by being substance-free, healthy, and contributing members of society. Representatives from agencies and businesses throughout the county attend monthly meetings to share resources and collaborate to provide the public with activities and events that address risk and protective factors of substance misuse and other unhealthy behaviors.

If you are interested in joining the TIPP coalition, please fill out the following application: PDF of TIPP Application

Find out more about prevention science and coalition work at:

