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Winter Mandatory No Burn Patrol Program

Learn When Not to Burn and learn how small businesses can apply for grants to implement process improvements to reduce emissions and improve air quality . The Utah Division of Air Quality issues mandatory no burn actions when fine particulate pollution builds up to unhealthy levels during winter inversions. The no-burn period extends from November 1st to March 1st. State regulations prohibit residents from burning wood or coal on no burn days.

Regulations cover Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, and Weber Counties and include fireplaces and wood, pellet, and coal burning stoves.

  • Wood Fireplaces
  • Wood Stoves (both EPA certified and non-certified)
  • Pellet Stoves
  • Outdoor Fireplaces or Fire Pits
  • Charcoal Grill
  • Smokers
  • Coal Burning Stoves
  • Natural Gas Appliances and Propane Stoves

The Division of Air Quality vigorously enforces no burn actions. Compliance officers monitor neighborhoods using infrared cameras that can detect heat plumes even when there is no visible smoke. Officers assess fines of up to $299 to households found violating the ban.

The Division of Air Quality operates air monitoring equipment that measures the concentration of PM2.5 in the atmosphere. DAQ uses this information, along with weather forecasting and computer modeling, to determine the action level for solid fuel burning devices.

The Division reports current action levels twice a day to local media outlets such as newspapers, TV, and radio stations. DAQ posts action levels on its Web site. Residents can register to receive free e-mail air quality alerts or download the UtahAir app for Androids (Google Play) and iPhones (Apple Apps store, coming soon) to get the latest information on current conditions and air quality actions by county.

Burn Action Level

Unrestricted Action

Wood, pellet and coal burning stoves and fireplaces may be used but please use them in a proper manner to reduce smoke emissions.

Voluntary Action

Voluntarily do not use wood, pellet, coal burning stoves or fireplaces.

Mandatory Action

Wood, pellet and coal burning stoves or fireplaces are prohibited.

The three action levels affect all residents living in the following areas:

  • All regions of Salt Lake and Davis counties.
  • All portions of the Cache Valley.
  • All regions in Weber and Utah counties west of the Wasatch mountain range.
  • In Box Elder County, from the Wasatch mountain range west to the Promontory mountain range and south of Portage.
  • In Tooele County, from the northernmost part of the Oquirrh mountain range to the northern most part of the Stansbury mountain range and north of Route 199.

Sole Source Registration

No solid fuel burning devices, such as fireplaces, wood burning stoves, pellet stoves, and coal burning stoves (including EPA certified units) are allowed to burn during a mandatory action period unless the device was registered as a sole source of heating for the residence with the Director of the Division of Air Quality by June 1, 2013.


Contact the Division of Air Quality with questions or complaints by calling 801-536-4000 or visit:

Breathe Utah’s Wood Smoke Abatement Program

Division of Air Quality

General air quality information.

Solid Fuel Residential Sole Source Heating Confirmation R307-302

Regulations covering residential burning activities in nonattainment areas.

Stationary Source Compliance Electronic Complaint Form

File an online complaint.

Three Day Forecast

Current air quality conditions, three day forecast, and trend charts.


UCAIR is seeking applicants from small businesses for grants to support business process improvement projects to reduce emissions and improve air quality. Air Assist grants protect jobs in small businesses faced with air quality requirements.

  • Size: Businesses of less than 100 employees
  • Location: Small businesses in Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Duchesne, Salt Lake, Tooele, Uintah, Utah, Washington and Weber counties.
  • Business Process Improvements: For the purchase and installation of supplies and equipment designed to advance business processes, reduce emissions and improve air quality.
  • Amount: Grants between $500 and $15,000
  • Matching Funds: Matching funds – dollar per dollar
  • Direct Payment: To the supplier and / or contractor
  • Work Plan: Applications must include a project description, 3 bids and a budget.
  • Emission Reduction: Applications must include emission reduction calculations

Application Process

The AIR ASSIST Program has an easy application process with no application deadline and no application fee. Please go to the UCAIR website for information about UCAIR and the AIR ASSIST Program application information. For questions about the program and individual help with the application process, please contact Gwen Springmeyer at or 801-536-4218.

UCAIR is a private nonprofit organization organized by Governor Gary R. Herbert. It is not part of state government but cooperates fully to achieve clean air in Utah.