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Radon – Low Income Radon Mitigation Assistance Program

January is National Radon Action Month and residents can test their homes themselves by picking up a kit from the The Tooele County Health Department for only $5. Radon is an odorless gas that is invisible to the eye and does not have any smell or taste. Radon is a radioactive gas produced by the natural decay of uranium found in soil, rocks and water. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer, according to the U.S. Surgeon General. The gas may leak into an accumulate in homes through openings like cracks in the foundation, regardless of a home’s age and whether or not the home has a basement.

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert has declared January to be National Radon Action Month, joining a national initiative to encourage testing for the deadly invisible gas. “Testing for radon is simple and inexpensive,” said Taylor Palmer, radon coordinator for the Tooele County Health Department. The health department sells radon test kits for $5. The $5 cost includes the test kit and processing, according to Palmer.
To use the test kit, which is about the size of the palm of a hand, it needs to opened and set in a room for 48 to 96 hours. The kit is then dropped into the provided envelope and mailed in to be processed. Palmer estimates that one out of every three homes in Tooele County has radon levels higher than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency action level of 4 picocuries per liter of air. In some neighborhoods one house may have a radon level above the action level while a home across the street may be lower, according to Palmer. “The only way to know is by testing,” he said.

Winter is the perfect time to test your home for radon because doors and windows are closed. Health officials point out that long-term radon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer in smokers. More Americans die from lung cancer than any other cancer. Every year 21,000 lung cancer deaths are because of radon exposure, according to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. If a home has a high level of radon a certified radon mitigation specialist should be hired to get rid of the radon.

The DEQ estimates that it costs about $1,500 to get rid of elevated levels of radon in a home. A list of certified radon mitigation professionals, and more information about Radon Action Month activities, can also be found at

Test kits for radon can be purchased at the Tooele County Health Department in the Environmental Health Office at 151 N. Main in Tooele City. The health department is open Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. It costs about $1500 to get rid of elevated levels of Radon in your home. You can find a list of certified mitigation professionals on this website. For more information about Radon Action Month activities, hiring a certified professional or how to test your home, visit


The Utah Radon Coalition (URC) is Utah’s only all-volunteer provider of radon education and awareness, non-lobbying advocacy, and community service programs. The URC is an incorporated, 501(c)(3), nonprofit, member organization. Funding for our programs comes primarily from private and public donations and foundation grants. The mission of the URC is to eradicate radon-induced disease by eliminating exposure to radon gas through education and awareness, non-lobbying advocacy, community service and collaborative planning and coordination. The URC Low-Income Radon Mitigation Assistance Program provides financial assistance for radon mitigation services to qualified low-income homeowners. The intent of the program is to enhance a safe living environment for low-income homeowners and their families.


  1. Except as provided in subsection (a) below, applicants must be considered a low-income household per the income limits specified in the income table provided with the program application. If the house is co-owned by persons who reside within or outside of the home, the combined federal adjusted gross income for all owners will be considered when determining eligibility for assistance. a. Acting on its discretion, the URC may consider net income when determining program eligibility if extenuating circumstances beyond the applicant’s control have significantly impacted the applicant’s ability to afford mitigation services.
  2. Homeowners applying for assistance must occupy the property as their primary (principal) residence and certify such occupancy by signing the application.
  3. Homeowners including co-homeowners must be Utah residents.
  4. Homeowners must have proof of ownership of the subject property.
  5. A radon test result for the homeowner’s residence greater than 4 pCi/L from a National Radon Proficiency Program or National Radon Safety Board (NRPP/NRSB) approved, accurately conducted test kit must be provided with application.

If conducted by a radon measurer, the measurer must be certified by the NRPP or NRSB.


  1. All applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Applications will be reviewed for completeness and eligibility within 30 days of receipt.
  3. Missing, incomplete, or additional information may be requested from the applicant. These requests must be fulfilled within 15 days of the request or the application will be abandoned.
  4. If approved, the homeowner will be notified via telephone and/or email, or if rejected, the homeowner will be notified via email with an explanation of rejection.
  5. Acting on its discretion, the URC may grant priority for funding to applicants able to fund a portion of project costs.


Interested persons may submit a service request on the Our Services page of the Utah Radon Coalition website, Following receipt and review of the request, the requestor will be sent an application packet.

Summary – URC Low-Income Radon Mitigation Assistance Program

During real estate transactions, mortgage lender’s often require a well at an existing home to be sampled for drinking water standards. These tests take at least 36 lab hours to be completed. There is no rush option available. An application and fee must be paid before a sample will be collected by TCHD and sent to the lab. Additional sampling and fees may be required if initial sample does not meet the standards.

Short term Radon self-test kits are available for $5 each (while supplies last) at Tooele County Health Department in the Environmental Health Office in Suite 140. Call 435-277-2440 for more information.

To check the results of your radon test kit visit and enter the test kit serial number on the kit you received. Be sure to write down your test kit number before you mail it to the lab.

To contact a certified radon mitigation professional visit, on the right hand column select Certified Mitigators /RRNC you will then be directed to, select your state and a list of professionals in your area will be displayed.