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Aging Services

The mission of Tooele County Aging Services is to enhance the health, and well-being of adults promoting safety, health, and independence for adults aged 60 and older. This is achieved through a coordinated system of services that includes:

  • Education
  • Assistance
  • Referral
  • Nutrition
  • Socialization

The Tooele County Aging Services Division serves as the organizational unit responsible for implementing the Older Americans Act within the County. As an effective and visible advocate for seniors, the Division of Aging Services leads efforts on aging-related issues. It proactively engages in advocacy, planning, coordination, interagency linkages, information sharing, organizing, monitoring, and evaluation to develop and enhance comprehensive community-based systems for the County. Call 435-277-2420 for more information.

Resources for older adults

Services offered by Aging Services

Area Agency on Aging Four-year Plan

Aging Services programs in Tooele County are designed to assist seniors in leading independent lives in their own homes and communities as long as possible.


Active Aging Newsletter

Monthly information on activities, meal menu, upcoming events and classes.

Caregiver Educational Opportunities

Lunch and Learn, Dementia Dialogues, Dementia Live, Dealing with Dementia.

Caregiver Support Program

Information, services, assistance, training and support for caregivers of older adults.

Council On Aging

Represents the planning, participation and community advocacy for the elderly.

2024 Brochure Vulnerable Adult and Exploitation Resource Guide

Extra Help

Federal assistance related to prescription drug coverage.

Falls Prevention

Stepping On Class Building Confidence and Reducing Falls.

Group Support

Alzheimer’s Support, Parkinson’s Support, Grief Support, The Next Chapter

Legal Aide for Tooele County Senior Citizens

Utah Legal Services Senior Law Center for adults 60 years or older.

Living Well with Chronic Condition

A free, six-week workshop for anyone living with one or more chronic conditions.

Meals on Wheels Program

Nutritious daily meal delivered to qualified individuals.

Medicaid Aging Waiver Program

Provides services to help older adults remain in their homes.

Medicare Open Enrollment

 Open enrollment dates.

MSP (Medicare Savings Programs)

Assistance for paying for Medicare Part B.

Non-Medical Home Based Services

In home services for frail seniors.


Supporting and protecting the rights of individuals living in long-term care facilities.

Senior Centers

Provide activities, education, entertainment and a daily meal.

S.H.I.P (Senior Health Insurance Program)

Medicare counseling.

SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol)

Medicare fraud prevention services.

Social Security

First and last Tuesday of each month at Tooele Senior Center 9am-noon.

The Next Chapter

Grief support: a social and educational program for widows and widowers and a county grief resource list.

Transportation Scheduling

Serving seniors, veterans, persons with disabilities and the general public.

Veteran Directed Care

Medicare 101

Learn about eligibility, enrollment, the different parts of Medicare, coverage, and cost.

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body

This community education opportunity is free and open to everyone.


Alzheimer's Association

Utah Falls Prevention Alliance

Utah Department of Human Services

Tooele County Area Agency on Aging Administration

Utah Commission on Aging



For questions regarding Medicare please visit their website:

Medicare Counselors

Add or call our Medicare Counselors at 435-277-2420


Lunch & Learn for Caregivers

Please register by calling 435-277-2420

Caregiver Stress-Busting

Tooele County Aging Services is excited to be offering a new program that gives you the support and education you need to help take care of yourself and your loved one! The Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers is an evidence-based program that provides support to family caregivers. It is proven to improve the quality of […]

Dementia Caregiver Support Groups

Currently, in-person meetings are being held to provide emotional, educational, and social support to those who are caring for a loved one who has a type of dementia. Please see the announcement below for meeting details. Call Tooele County Aging Services at 435-277-2420 or email

Enroll in Medicare

SMP-Senior Medicare Patrol

SMP- SENIOR MEDICARE PATROL- MEDICARE FRAUD PREVENTION SERVICES SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) – to empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect and report health care fraud, errors and the abuse. For more information and assistance, contact (435)277-2420.

Lunch and Learn for Caregivers

Register today by calling 435-277-2420

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

Please call 800-272-3900 to register for this event by Aug. 21st, 2023.

Medicare fraud and prevention

Caregiver Educational Opportunities

Lunch & Learn for Caregivers READ MORE Caregiver Stress-Busting READ MORE

Medicare Coverage of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

If you need assistance please call Aging Services at 435-277-2420. May 2023 Medicare Minute handout (mental health) English