Health Promotion


  • Health promotion improves the health status of individuals, families, communities, states, and the nation.
  • Health promotion enhances the quality of life for all people.
  • Health promotion reduces premature deaths.
  • Healthy Living through Environment, Policy, and Improved Clinical Care

Health Promotion Staff- (left to right) Megan, Jamie, Brent, Desiree


Active Transportation Implementation Plan

Tooele County Active Transportation

Violence and Injury Prevention Program

Falls in elderly, concussions, car seats, keeping kids safe online and injury partners with Zero Fatality and Utah Highway Patrol.

Tobacco Handler Permits

Learn how to obtain a Tobacco Handler Permit.

Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

Tobacco handler, compliance, ending nicotine dependence, etc.

Tobacco Retail Permitting Process


Healthy Environments Active Living.

Live Fit

Physical Activity and Nutrition policies, Worksite Wellness, Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans, etc.


Opioid Overdose


Diabetes prevention education

Proper Disposal of Unused or Expired Medications

Top Star

Focuses on promoting physical activity and nutrition, reducing screen-time, and supporting breastfeeding-friendly environments.

Tobacco Prevention Resources for Health Care Providers

As a healthcare provider, you are in a perfect position to be the catalyst in inspiring your patients to live healthier, tobacco-free lives. Patients look to you for help and advice when it comes to their overall health. They trust you, which means that a little friendly, hype-free advice on why and how to give […]

Tobacco-Free Worksites

Providing resources to help your employees quit using tobacco is the single most effective health benefit you can provide to your employees. Tobacco use results in huge costs to the state as a whole and to employers in particular. Smokers consume more health care resources, experience greater absenteeism, and tend to be less productive while […]

Tobacco Handler Permits

Any employee who sells tobacco products in Tooele County must complete Tobacco Handlers Training and hold a valid Tobacco Handlers Permit issued by the department according to Tobacco Handler’s Regulation #13. To obtain a permit applicants will need to: Watch the training video Fill out: Tobacco Sales Quiz Fill out: Tobacco Handler Application Pay permit […]

Free Tobacco Cessation Services

If you or someone you know uses tobacco, the Utah Tobacco Quit Line can help. People who seek the help of the Utah Tobacco Quit Line are statistically more likely to kick the habit once and for all. Most people who smoke want to quit. Call the Quit Line. It’s convenient, it’s confidential, and it’s […]

Be Ready Tooele for the Great Utah ShakeOut!!

You are invited to join thousands of people who will Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:15 a.m. on April 21st in the 2016 Great Utah ShakeOut! We all must get better prepared for major earthquakes, and practice how to protect ourselves when they happen. The purpose of the ShakeOut is to help people and organizations do both. More […]

LiveFit TC on TooeleTv.Com

Watch and learn more about LiveFit TC

Be Prepared to Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter

Winter storms and cold temperatures can be hazardous, but if you plan ahead, you can stay safe and healthy. Prepare your home and cars. Prepare for power outages and outdoor activity. Check on the elderly. For more information on staying safe in winter follow this link to

Live Fit Tooele County

In the fall of 2011, the Tooele County Health Department brought together various organizations and individuals to identify priority public health areas in Tooele County and develop a community health improvement plan. The group determined the following to be Tooele County’s greatest health concerns: Obesity, Substance Abuse, Diabetes, Lack of Physical Activity and Inadequate Access […]

Love and Logic

Visit for more information on Love and Logic classes.

Emergency Services

All-hazards emergency preparedness information, including how to create family disaster plans, assembling disaster supply kits, learning about Tooele County’s warning systems, knowing protective action steps, and more can be found at