Air Quality

Action / Alert Status:Health Protection Message

Green- Good
Yellow-Moderate -Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups-Voluntarily do not burn today. Reduce driving use mass transit. Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion.

The following groups should avoid prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion:

  • People with lung disease, such as asthma.
  • Children and older adults
  • People who are active outdoors.
  • Everyone else should limit prolonged outdoor exertion.

Red-Very Unhealthy – Do not burn today. Limit driving use mass transit or carpool.

The following groups should avoid all outdoor exertion:

  • People with lung disease, such as asthma.
  • Children and older adults
  • People who are active outdoors
  • Everyone else should limit outdoor exertion.

More information is available at

Today’s Air Quality

Tooele County Health Department

151 North Main Street
Tooele, Utah 84074
(435) 277-2300

Monday-Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8 am to noon
Closed holidays.

920 East Wendover Boulevard, Wendover Utah 84083
P.O Box 554
Call (435)277-2326 or 277-2327 for available services and hours.

To report an emergency after hours call (435) 882-5600.