
Tooele County Health Department offers vaccinations for children and adults. Most insurances plans are accepted. Vaccines are available for a low fee or at no cost for eligible children through 18 years of age.

Walk-in Immunization Clinics are held Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The Clinic is closed the first Wednesday of each month from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekends and holidays. Call (435)277-2310 or 277-2311 for more information or to check availability.

If you need a copy of your child’s immunization record or to see if your insurance is accepted call us at (435)277-2310 or 277-2311.

Or you can easily access personal or family immunization records through the Docket mobile phone app. Through the Docket app you can review past immunization reports, track upcoming shots, and share official immunization reports.

To get started, download the free app by searching “Docket” on the App Store or on Google Play. Or, go directly through Docket.

Docket Tip Sheet - English

Docket Tip Sheet - Spanish


For more options on accessing your immunization records click here

Did you know that certain vaccines are recommended for adults and adolescents? Follow this link to view the Easy to read Immunization Schedule provided by the CDC

For information on how to obtain an Immunization Exemption in order to enroll your child in school click here to access the Utah Department of Health’s website and Online Immunization Education Module. Information on Immunization Exemptions can be found here at Utah Department of Health – Immunization Exemptions.