has provided a list of frequently asked questions and credible sources. Please visit to find out more. Many rumors related to COVID-19 circulating on social media are false or contain misinformation. People should be skeptical of rumors they hear on social media that aren’t being reported by reputable health organizations or mainstream media outlets and should not share or repost items unless they are able to confirm that they are true. False and inaccurate social media posts can cause a great deal of harm.
Want to keep up on the latest COVID-19 updates? Here’s some of our favorite credible sources:
- World Health Organization
- Dear Pandemic
- Your Local Epidemiologist
- Friendly Neighborhood Epidemiologist
- Stronger
- Project VCTR (Vaccine Communication Tracking & Response)
- John Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted many of Tooele’s hardest working residents. There are many resources available for Tooele residents to help relieve the financial burdens of quarantining and isolating due to COVID-19. The Tooele County Resource Guide may help identify which resources best meet your needs.