Utah Coronavirus Information Line

Utah Coronavirus Information Line

If you have questions about Coronavirus please contact the Utah Coronavirus COVID-19 Information Line at 1-800-456-7707. A temporary COVID-19 Information Line is available at 1-844-442-5224. Please use this number if you have questions until further notice....

Activities – In person and virtual

Senior Center Staff are providing activities and crafts you can do from your home, contact the Tooele Center at (435) 843-4110 for more information or refer to the Active Aging- Tooele County Aging  Senior Centers Monthly Newsletter.        ...

Dementia Dialogues

Dementia Dialogues is a free multi-session training course designed to educate the community and individuals who care for persons who exhibit signs and symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias.  Over 22,000 individuals have been trained and...