Reduced UTA fare for seniors

Are you 65 years or older and riding with the UTA On Demand or other UTA services?

Do you need transportation in Tooele, Grantsville, or Stansbury?

You MUST apply for a reduced fare card to get the 50% Senior Discount. Tooele County Transportation and UTA are here to help you qualify for the reduced fare card.

Riders who are 65 years and older can qualify for the 50% Senior Discount for the UTA On Demand program. Let us help you get qualified. You MUST apply to receive the discount.

All you will need to do is bring a state-issued identification card and come to a Senior Center prepared to have your picture taken. Transportation will be provided if needed. For questions or to schedule a ride call


What we will need from you:

  • A state-issued form of identification with your name and birth date.
  • Be prepared to have your picture taken.


For more information on Transportation services offered in Tooele County click here Tooele County Transportation