Free Skin Cancer Screening Clinic October 1, 2016

Do you have moles or spots that you are concerned about? Please join us for a free screening clinic October 1st, 2016. To schedule an appointment please call (435)277-2311. The health department offers skin cancer screening clinics for the whole community. The screening is a free service. If necessary, any continued follow up will be billed […]

Clinical Services

Additional nursing services including, Blood pressure screening, Pregnancy testing, HIV/STD testing, Immunizations, Breast & Cervical cancer screening and Tuberculosis (TB) testing are available. Please call (435) 277-2310 to schedule an appointment or for more information .

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening

Tooele County Health Department offers free or reduced cost breast exams, pap tests, and pelvic exams to women ages 40 to 64 who meet income qualification. Many women may also qualify for a free mammogram voucher. Women who receive their examalso qualify for services through our BE WISE program. BE WISE INCLUDES ADDITIONAL SCREENING SERVICES […]