The Utah state required Test-to-Stay protocol was implemented today, September 16, 2021, at Tooele High School. Tooele High School reached the 2% threshold this week for positive COVID-19 cases as outlined by the state of Utah, indicating that there is an outbreak. With the help of the Utah Department of Health, Tooele County Health Department, Tooele School District, and Tooele High School 1,404 students were tested (with parent permission). Out of those students, 29 tested positive for COVID-19. These numbers do not included staff, students who were tested elsewhere, and those who opted out of testing.

Those who tested positive shall be staying at home for 10 calendar days. Masks are strongly recommended for those coming back to school as the Test-to-Stay protocol is in place for 30 days. This allows students to stay in class, sports, and other school related activities while keeping themselves, classmates, and staff safe. It is also recommended that those students who opted out of testing stay home for the 10 calendar days as well. This is to ensure that COVID-19 is not being spread around the school, which would actively extend the Test-to-Stay protocols. More information will be made available as it comes by the Tooele County Health Department and the Tooele School District.

For more information on COVID case counts in schools visit