Meningitis in Tooele County

In response to rumors concerning people contracting Meningitis from Stansbury Lake the health department releases this statement: The Tooele County Health Department and Mountain West Medical Center work closely to track all cases of reportable disease. Both...
Extreme Heat and Your Health

Extreme Heat and Your Health

Everyone should take these steps to prevent heat-related illnesses, injuries, and deaths during hot weather: Stay in an air-conditioned indoor location as much as possible. Drink plenty of fluids even if you don’t feel thirsty. Schedule outdoor activities...

Board Of Health Meeting May 18, 2017

The Board Of Health will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on May 18, 2017 starting at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at 920 E. Wendover Blvd. in Wendover Utah. These meetings are open to the public. BOH Notice And Agenda 5-18-2017

Annual Report- Public Health Highlights

2023 Annual Report FINAL Dear Community Members, I am pleased to present the 2023 annual report for the Tooele County Health Department. This report is a snapshot of our achievements and ongoing initiatives to promote and protect the health of our community.  Our...