Data represented on this page is specific to Tooele County.


To have the most accurate data, the Tooele County Health Department has combined efforts with the Tooele County School District and private/charter schools to maintain school associated case numbers as it relates to COVID-19. To view this information follow this link:


Tooele County School COVID-19 Information


For specific information regarding COVID-19 for Scholar Academy, Bonneville, & St. Marguerite’s please visit their school websites or contact them directly.


School-Associated Cases:

School-associated cases are defined as confirmed cases who have attended, worked in, or visited a K-12 school in-person for more than 15 minutes while symptomatic or in the 14 days before their symptom onset. This definition captures cases who were at a school during their exposure period and were potentially exposed at the school. It does not necessarily mean the individual contracted COVID-19 from being exposed to the virus while at school. School-associated cases are identified through interviews with cases by the Local Health Departments, and only school-associated cases that have been linked to a school are displayed. People who refuse or are unable to be interviewed are not associated with schools, so these data are an underestimate of the true burden of COVID-19 in schools. In the last two weeks, only 54.5% of cases among 5-17 years old have been linked to a school and will display in the school table below. Therefore, recent data is likely less accurate than data in previous time periods when more cases were able to be linked to schools by interview. In the data below, counts below 5 are suppressed to protect privacy.
Utah Code requires schools to do a Test to Stay event when:

  • Schools with 1,500 or more students have 2% of their students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days.
  • Schools with fewer than 1,500 students have 30 students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days.

Active cases: cases reported to public health in the previous two weeks.

Total cases: all school-associated cases reported in the 2021-2022 school year.

Enrollment: enrollment data from the 2020-21 school year. UDOH does not have enrollment data for all private and charter schools.

14-day percent of students testing positive: The percent of students who have tested positive in the last 14 days. When less than 5 students have tested positive, the percent is suppressed for privacy.

Threshold level: where the school is in per thresholds outlined in Utah Code for Test to Stay events.

  • Red: Schools which have met or exceeded the Test to Stay event requirements. These schools are legally required to conduct a testing event of all students:
    • Schools with 1,500 or more students had 2% of their students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days
    • Schools with fewer than 1,500 students had at least 30 students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days
  • Yellow: Schools which are more than halfway to meeting the requirements for Test to Stay:
    • Schools with 1,500 or more students have 1% of their students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days
    • Schools with fewer than 1,500 students had at least 15 students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days
  • Green: Schools which are less than halfway to meeting the requirements for Test to Stay. This does not mean that there is a low risk of transmission within these schools.


For more information on Test to Stay, visit Utah’s Coronavirus K12 page .

For information on the recent Test to Stay at Tooele High School visit

Data shown on this website may not match what is shown on local health department or school district websites. There may be a delay in reporting a school-associated case to the Utah Department of Health. Local health departments will use the most accurate and timely data to determine public health actions in specific schools and it may not be fully reflected on this website.


The Utah Department of Health is sharing the attached weekly COVID-19 report detailing caseload growth and vaccination rates among Utah’s school-aged children and COVID-19 related hospital and ICU capacity.

The Utah Department of Health recommends a layered prevention approach consistent with the Utah COVID-19 Disease Plan and CDC school guidelines to minimize the impact of COVID-19 exposures and outbreaks in school settings and maximize opportunities for children to participate in in-school learning and extracurricular activities.

COVID-19 can severely disrupt learning, school attendance, and involvement in extracurricular activities. Children can and do get COVID-19 and are at risk for severe illness from the virus. Even with mild illness, children can spread the virus to other people. This is why using layered prevention strategies in schools are so important.


Local health departments and local education agencies (LEAs) are reviewing the following recommendations to create layered prevention strategies so children can return safely to full-time, in-person school. Local health departments and LEAs will work together, using local data, to identify which recommended quarantine and protective measures to use to protect the health of K-12 students and school staff in their area. School administrators will watch the data on what is happening in their local areas as they work to keep children in schools as safely as possible.

Parents and school staff who have questions about how COVID-19 will be handled in their school or at extracurricular activities should contact their local health department or school for more information.


Read the most recent and complete report here:


The UDOH strongly recommends the following layered prevention strategies in K-12 schools:

CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools
Utah COVID-19 Disease Plan
State legislation that will impact the 2021-2022 school year

This report provides a high-level overview of where we are as a state in these key areas. We will continue to update this report and distribute it to you weekly for the foreseeable future.  We also encourage you to visit where you can find a searchable database for information on individual schools throughout the state as well as additional information on caseloads, vaccinations, testing, hospitalizations, and more.